Watching Them Grow: The Bittersweet Reality of Rapid Childhood Growth

3 min readSep 4, 2023


The circle of life is a profound, continuous journey, and there’s perhaps no clearer reminder of its swift passage than watching our children grow. Blink, and they’ve outgrown their clothes.

Turn around, and they’re another year older. The process seems to speed up, especially during those sun-soaked summer months, leaving many parents in awe and pondering — why does it feel like they sprout overnight?

The Emotion Tug-of-War

Parenting is a paradoxical blend of wanting to freeze moments in time and yearning to see what kind of individuals our children become. Every milestone reached and every inch they grow marks a simultaneous celebration of their progress and a quiet mourning of the phases they leave behind. It’s an emotional roller coaster where joy, nostalgia, pride, and melancholy intertwine.

The Summer Growth Spurt: Myth or Reality?

Parents anecdotally note that their children experience growth spurts during the summer months. But what’s behind this observation?

Some theories suggest increased physical activity and vitamin D from sun exposure aids growth. Others theorize that children might get more restful sleep without a structured school day, promoting growth.

However, it’s essential to note that individual growth patterns vary, and while many kids might shoot up in size during summer, others might grow consistently throughout the year.

Then, there’s the psychological element: perhaps it’s more noticeable after summer because we see our children alongside their peers, many of whom we might not have seen for several weeks. The collective growth of an entire class can be a startling realization for parents.

Back at school fashion

Shopping for the Ever-Changing Child

One undeniable consequence of these growth spurts? The constant shopping trips. It’s not just the clothes but also the shoes. Growing more than one whole shoe size in the summer is a testament to the wonders of childhood growth. It’s indeed a shopping challenge, but also a heartwarming one. There’s something inherently beautiful about buying new shoes or clothes that represent the next chapter in their young lives.

However, continuous shopping can become another task for busy parents on a long to-do list. This is where personal stylists come into play, ensuring your child’s wardrobe keeps pace with their growth while reflecting their budding personalities.

Cherishing The Now

In the grand tapestry of life, childhood is but a brief chapter. As parents, while we must prepare for the future — be it the next school year or the next shoe size — it’s crucial to stay present. Children grow quickly, but every moment, every growth spurt, is a testament to life’s impermanence and beauty.

Dad and daughter bonding

While seeing our little ones evolve rapidly can be overwhelming, it’s a journey worth embracing. Celebrate the milestones, prepare for the next step (literally, in the case of those new shoes), but most importantly, cherish the fleeting moments of now.

— by Anna Luten

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At Kidpik, we know that getting your kids dressed can be a hassle for busy parents. This Back to School season we’re dedicated to making it easy for parents while ensuring every child looks and feels their best. Say goodbye to shopping stress and hello to a fun, personalized styling experience with Kidpik!




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